Portfolio Category: Core

Rate Anaylisis & Recommendations

Weekly review of your published and locally offered rates.  Recommendations provided based on competitive set analysis and current state of your market.  We will work directly with your team to ensure that your are priced appropriately, have correct pricing stratification based on your room types, and take into account seasonality and demand conditions (High, Low,…
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Content & Photo Audits

We provide an ongoing in-depth analysis and audit of all published content and photos.  This includes ensuring that your property descriptors are both current and accurate on all online booking sources including but not limited to Brand.com, Proprietary Websites, and all major OTA channels. Recommendations will be given on how to best describe your property…
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Social Media Stategy Review

A complete review of your Social Media strategies and business listings will be conducted to find areas of missed opportunity and improvement.  Best practices and training will be provided to your respective team member(s) responsible for ultimately managing your social media accounts.  This will include a thorough overview and assistance with setup of major accounts such…
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SEO/SEM Analysis & Recommendations

We offer complete Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing audits and recommendations on all of the major online search engines including but not limited to Google, Bing, Yelp, and Yahoo.  You will receive monthly reports providing a thorough breakdown and explanation of areas for improvement in terms of content, photos, placement, and discoverability. Organic…
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